
The 50th anniversary edition of Prairie Margins was the first e-book, but the 2014 issue is also available.


For Kindle Users:

Method 1:

1.) Download the Prairie Margins .mobi file here (2013) or here (2014) .

2.) Plug your Kindle into your computer via USB.

3.) Drag and drop the .mobi file into the “documents” folder of your Kindle.

(This folder is  under a different name for different versions of Kindle devices. For Kindle Fire HD, it is the “Internal Storage” folder)

4.) Enjoy your new Prairie Margins e-book!


Method 2:

1.) Download the Prairie Margins .mobi file here (2013) or here (2014) .

2.) Send the .mobi file to your Kindle email address.

3.) Enjoy your new Prairie Margins e-book!


For… Pretty much anything else:

1.) Download the Prairie Margins .ebup file here (2013) or here (2014) .

2.) Plug your device into your computer.

3.) Drag and drop the .epub file into the necessary location for your device.

4.) Enjoy your new Prairie Margins e-book!